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Wednesday, March 02, 2005

The flawless women?

Today while entering StarBux with Jeff I saw a chick who was just about perfect in physical features. She had high well defined cheek bones, beautiful hazel eyes that even women could get lost in, wonderfully smooth skin that was slightly tanned, perfectly flat ironed thick brown hair with a nice sheen and highlights, a well formed chin, perfectly shaped hair line, well balanced eye brows, proportioned brow line and bridge, a cute button nose, sharp jaw lines, a ectomorpheses shaped face(diamond shaped), petite neck and wonderfully shaped collar bones. She also had a perfect figure, bust, waist, buttocks, shoulders, and legs were all balanced and nicely curved. When I was done analyzing the brief glimpse I had of her(about 5 seconds total) I was shocked to realize that for the first time I had completely picked a person apart and had found no physical flaws in them. This coming from the guy who looks at magazines and criticizes the flaws in super models. I don’t do this because I think I am the most perfect person in the world, it’s more like just a habit and grudge against the system which states that super models are perfect in features(which they are not, so many of them have the same flaws we all have). It just bugs me when people say, oh this person is superior because they are a super model or they can act. But anywayz another topic for another time. After that came the usual self condemnation for being so shallow with my habit. Then I began to think, if I ever would/could date someone like that what would my actions and thoughts be like towards them. Would I be a hypocrite and think them superior to myself and everyone else, or would I become insecure about my own image in sight of their state of imperfect perfection? And the rest is just circles within circles within my head… But the answer is no, I do not believe that my security nor my viewpoints on human equality would suffer from dating a almost perfect looking chick, but I can not say for certain because I have never dated anyone like that. No pun intended to former girl friends… what is perfect anywayz, does the shape of ones jaw affect your status in human equality? I think not, although Aristotle did say that “Beauty is greater then any letter of recommendation(college degrees, certificates, etc…)”. But I think that that is only true to people who do not truly see, this world we see with our physical eyes is only a fraction of the size of the real world, the world that exist in our hearts, minds, and most importantly in the spirit. Why am I blabbering on about things everyone knows…I’m tired… good night…

Ps... all views were strictly from a physical aspect, she could've been a horrible person for all I know, but I did not bother to desern that, I wanted my Toffe Nut latte!


  • Oh Justin, your analyzation never ceases to amuse me! Do you think that kind of perfection could get boring after a while? Nah, prolly not. I'm still praying that God will bring Kiera Knightly into your life!=)

    ps.I'm suddenly craving a toffee nut latte. Thanks.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:46 PM  

  • Haha... I think ur prophetic with that prayer... although I probably wouldn't know what to do with her if I was actually friends with her.

    By Blogger Euangelion, at 5:11 PM  

  • If I were a girl and had to be judged under the critical analytical eye of Justin I would die and probably be anorexic-. But since Im not Im okay I still have my own analytical eye to worry about!! about m body and physical features. But hey just think of it this way in heaven we will all! be relly hot! and young and we wont even care about it because we will still ove each ohter the smae regardless,

    Luis ..Out!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:57 PM  

  • thanx Sheena, I kinda figured you didn't read the whole thing. No prob with the missunderstanding.

    By Blogger Euangelion, at 5:35 PM  

  • ectomorpho what? you mean her face didn't have to exercise to keep her slenderness? good for her. Next time you see her, tell her how she keeps her face so flat chested. Did she not smile, did she not have muscles in her face? And luis is right, for her face to be "ectomorpheses" as you call it, she would have to be anorexic. So next time you decide to write a big word, one: learn how to spell it. Two: learn how to use it gramatically, And three, most important: LEARN WHAT THE HELL IT MEANS!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:05 PM  

  • ectomorpheses, um hello, did you not read MSN's study on facial structure? You seem rather bitter towards women who you consider to be slender, have you not forgiven someone?

    I do enjoy a comment that is spicy now and then, but I would rather have a person writing them that is more informed...

    By Blogger Euangelion, at 2:38 AM  

  • im trying to learn one new word a day. can you tell me where I can find the definition for ectomorpheses?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:52 PM  

  • Haha, I do not get this new found passive writting. Why were you originally so offended by whatever I did that you found offensive and now you are not?

    By Blogger Euangelion, at 1:27 AM  

  • ectomorpheses.... what does that mean? (and when I say what does that mean, I mean find me anywhere in this life time that anyone other than you has used that word) I'm just dying to know. Really, just aching to know.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:14 AM  

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