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Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Nazi and Jihad are bed fellows?

I was walking through Barnes and Nobles, one of my fav places to be, and a book casing caught my attention. It brought a sick feeling to my stomach at first, but then I just felt understanding. It was a black and white picture of about one hundred teen age girls smiling and waving Nazi flags at a parade during WWII. The book was about understanding the thoughts of Germans during the WWII period. But a thought about the similarities between the Nazi and the Jihad popped into my head. Why do people get so uptight when they see a swastika but they feel nothing when they see a moon and star? Don’t Nazi and the Jihad have the same goal, although I might say that genocide of everyone that can’t be converted is slightly larger then the Nazi’ goal of the genocide of the Jews. My faith calls me to love my enemies as I would myself, but I just can’t keep from feeling like genociding the Jihad, see if they like it…I know I know, God say’s “ Justin, how many more teachings do you need before you love people where their at? Easy for you to say God, you have the best view in the house on the situations; wanna share the box office seats? The Bicardi is on me...

In other random news today I had a Jurassic Park experience at work. I was waiting for my boss when I heard a noise in the bushes, so I walked over and saw a little two foot lizard and I just thought, oh another iguana. But when I started to walk away I noticed it got up and ran on it’s back legs(it looked so weird) so I walked back over to it and it opened up this thing around it’s neck, I guess u call it a mane or something. I was waiting for it to spit venomous blinding gooey stuff into my eyes causing paralysis, but it just turned and ran away as I was reaching for my camera. I don’t know what they are called but the lizard is from Aussie land, there are a bunch of them around here, but they are more rare then the Iguanas, which seem to be in every freaking tree.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

After Youth Group Fun...^_^

Friday evening was nice, we had a guest worship leader, that sounded like Jason Upton and had his same ministry style, at youth group. After YG we went over to the Murphy's house, with a pit stop for 20 people to Wendy's on the way. Once we got there we broke out the DDR(Dance Dance Revolution for all you people behind the times) and Kevin Sr. got going on the pool table, huslting everyone of course. I got really rusty on the DDR since last time I played. Jose and Jared kicked everyones butt at it. yeah... I don't feel like writing tonite... I'm listening to Gloria in D: II: Et in Terra Pax Hominibus... very relaxing... I am BORED... I'm about to go to sleep... I am looking around my newly painted room... I need to find a new dresser... just rearranged room... wow the youth group really did a good job painting my room... ok... no more random writing with the ... in between.......O.o

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

New State of Being?

Have I entered into a new state of being by just switching my thought process over to a more simplistic and productive goal? I have left the stagnation of nothingness to face overwhelming odds at completing people minded goals. Such a bother... but well worth the effort. This sounds chaotic because my awareness has not yet fully grasped the change in my mindset and focus, but soon all things will be clear.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Leaving Rune-Midgard.... :-(

Hehe... I left RO the other night. Everyone gave me a nice send off. I had announced I was leaving then signed on a bit later and I got like 50 PMs saying that I needed to stay, and they all most swayed me. But I feel better now that I deleted all of my chars, I feel as though I have exited a state of stagnation that I had been in for months now. I now have more time to spend helping people and using what I learned in Canada. Instead of sitting around doing nothing productive. RO had begun eating away at the my identity lately and leaving has gotten me out of that anti social state of being. Hmmm... not really I just make myself go anti social when I contemplate to much. Hehe I haven't put any of my theoritics on here lately. I should get around to doing that. But anywayz I have forever left the world of RO, I shall miss it and the people who I had gotten so close to. Bye Guild and I love u all, GL with getting to 99!

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Switching majors again...^_^

Hehe... did I already post this? I'm switching majors, again! Paramedic is just a much more appealing career, better job security, I wouldn't be sitting in a boring cubical all day, I get to help people, and the schedule is great. To many of my friends in the tech community have been laid off lately and they are having trouble finding jobs so I'm staying away from that field for now.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


I'm preparing to remodel my room. Which will entitle; painting, installing crown moldings, taking down all pictues and posters, putting up framed paintings, replacing almost all my furnature, new closet doors(all mirrors ^_^), new more ambient lighting scheme, and I think that is about all. I'm going to put up before and after when I'm done.

I've been so friggian busy lately, I haven't had anytime to blog. I'm switching my major back to EMS(Emergancy Medical Services), because I want to become a fire fighter paramedic with Miami Dade. Much better benifits and retirement then tech jobs have to offer. Other then planning, work, study, websites, church, and a little anime here and there that's my life right now as much as I hate it being this busy, I have a odd feeling of contentment, well for now that is, with me it never stays, there is always something new to do, to see, to experience, I can never stay in one spot, doing the samething for long, and now I'm just trying to make this the longest run on I have done yet.