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Monday, October 25, 2004

a Day in the Ghetto ;o(

The Diaz, Mary, and I just spent Friday moving the Diaz's stuff out of storage. The Diaz were very cheap in this endevor, having two skinny white guys help them move stuff and putting their stuff into storage in the middle of the ghetto. They put it in some old abandonned building full of wild cats and dogs. omg it was like so icky!! It was like walking into a third world country or something!! Jose's dad had Marty park the truck for easy access to the building but in the end he ended up blocking half the road during rush hour, but hey its Miami everyong is a crazy driver. The stuff was on the second story, where the floor boards were half eaten away by termites and was infested with cats. most of the doors were half eaten by termites too. After a while of moving everyone began to notice they were very itchy, when they examined their selves further they found hundreds of fleas!!! I of course was the onyl one with out them. hehe... They began beating themselves frantically to get the fleas off. After we where done moving we decided we had better wash our hands, something I think only made me dirtier. The bathroom didn't have running water, they had a hose coming in from the outside to flush to wash with. and the roof was made out of tires and there were lots of scary pictures of Jesus in Catholic form and and and.... omg after that we had to go to Home Depot to get bug bombs for the truck. That took about 2 hours becauz of all the nice drivers that tried waving at us but acidentally gave us the finger and all the crazy mixed up roads. When we got back to the really really scary building Jose locked the keys in my car, but that was ok because 7 Cuban guys who were just waiting for someone in trouble to help out pulled out slim jims and started trying to get into the car before I even knew what was going. No one spoke english very well. While the nice men were trying to break into my car a white guy drove by blairing rock music and one of the dudes yelled out"what the F%^$ is that S@#$, dis is da ghetto we don't play that S@#$". Once the car was unlocked we sped away from that icky place as fast as we could, so that we wouldn't have to meet anymore nice people who wanted to sell us something called tree.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Teaching about the Prophetic

lol, I had a great day 2day, Jose, Juan, Luis, and I spoke on the prophetic at young adults. We did activations and everything, they were very receptive of what we had to say. AFter that went to Star Bux with an old crew from way back and talked about everything from Ragnarok to Trance, to postmodern church. Good times and Good night.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Internal Conflict...

Lately I’ve been in this indirect introverted meditation state. It’s wasn’t even until last night that I noticed the extent of how far I had pulled myself in. An old friend showed up at the meeting last night and managed to snap me out of it. She brought back a lot of memories from when I was like 12 or 13. I was so active then, always outside doing something, usually torturing my sister and her friends. But the past two weeks I guess I’ve pulled myself away from everything, I still hang out with people and do things but it’s like I won’t allow any attachment what so ever with my heart because I’ve been reevaluating everything in which I believe and hold as righteous and just, and every thing good and evil. Trying to find out the truth, my mind always tells me in doing this I will exterminate even more of my flaws. But what is knowledge with out application, or truth without a medium for it to work in. Life is not solely in my head, it is within my heart and actions as well. I always seem to forget that later part though and make myself satisfied with life within contemplations. No… it’s not like I forget it’s that I remember the hurt and the mistakes that come with action and emotional attachments. Hehe... but what is the sense of life with out living, with out taking risk and chances. I go in circles with this over and over, I fear mistakes, but at the same time acknowledge that I am human. I’ve come to a awesome level of acceptance devoid of being influenced by outside interference, people, peer pressure, and other childish things like those and I am really beginning to conquer my greatest and most feared critic of all, myself. My mind tells me if something is broken throw it away, if something doesn’t work efficiently then let it go, but my heart tells me to cherish and love everything and everyone that I touch. I think it’s time to follow my heart more…

Friday, October 15, 2004

OMG... I like never post anymore.

5 tips on baby sitting kids
1. Do not let them play with the TV remote or they will hide it and you won’t find it for a few days.

2. When they ask for a snack do not give them an entire box of cookies, or they will either get sick or you’ll triple their energy.

3. Do not mention Britney Spears, Christiana Agilely, or any other controversial pop star as being hot in front of there parents or you will have a lecture on how they are a bad influence
on the kids.

4. When they ask for a drink do not give them a regular glass, find a sippy cup and figure out how to open it.

5. Do not under any circumstance let them play the screaming game in the car. Once they start you’ll never stop them no matter how big the bribes.

Two of the Nieces and the Nephew

As you can see by the expert tips above I have been around my 3 nieces and 1 nephew a lot lately. They seem to be over the house every day. Lol…kids. The pix are from my phone so thats why they are such poor quality.

This is the movie theater at Los Olas, went there to see Ghost in a Shell 2

Hangning out at the Diaz's spa while we wait for the rain to stop

Me and Marty on the road to the boondocks where the Diaz boys live and about to hit a bad storm.

the view from a reception hall at a friends wedding

My sis and a friend at the same wedding as above.

Anywayz it seems like forever since I’ve posted, and to tell you the truth I haven’t been that busy, well… yeah I have. I’ve been hanging out so much with friends and family a lot. I’m going to be starting school again in Jan. and I’m going to start looking for a job soon as my Social Security thing is all fixed. Yeah, I don’t have a job yet, I do web development on the side and I’m pretty busy with church stuff so it’s sort of good I don’t have a job yet, until those are cleared up.